Politics • Culture is a new website that aims to be another voice that offers support for classical liberal values and to provide a voice for others.
The Locals pages are a great place for supporters to get together and discuss posts and contribute their thoughts and ideas.
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Surprising Progress

I have just recently watched a very good short documentary from the Woke Reformation, by Travis Brown. It starts to address the roots of Wokism, and does so in a way that will be easy to grasp. I strongly recommend this, and hope that you will support Travis. The trailer can be found here:

In the meantime, I have been busy on, and my second essay addressing Wokism is now available. It is a comparison of Wokism and other ideologies. You may be surprised with which evil ideology it most closely mirrors.

I have also been looking at the growing push to get critical race theory in schools in New Zealand. Worryingly, there does not seem much pushback from parents and not enough pushback from politicians.

I have titled the post as surprising progress, as I am now just over two weeks live, and have seen a growth in page views on the site, and also subscribers. Still small, but better than expected. The surprise comes as I had a very successful blog on economics (I gave it up due to work commitments) and it took nearly 6 months to get any significant traction. seems to be moving faster.

I hope that you are keeping well in these difficult times.


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September 13, 2021

An introduction to the principles and aims on which is built.

War is Coming

#CCP #China #Taiwan The recent PLA rehearsals of an invasion of Taiwan are a clear signal of China's intent. War is coming. The question is whether the US and its allies are ready for it?

The Racist Anti-racists

#woke #nzpol The Woke claim systemic problems oppress minorities, even though the Woke dominate the system. They continually tell minorities they will fail, in a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Woke and Wokeism are the problem.

Smiling Assassins

#woke #nzpol Mostly, the Woke hide their disdain for democracy. The Maori Party says it out loud, and we should listen and be warned.

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